Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The show must go on....

As most of you reading this probably know, all anyone's been talking about around here is the talent show on Friday. But I just got word that Sasha's come down with the flu, one of the judges backed out because she found out her daughter was performing, and the seventh-grade boy who was going to play the drums got suspended so his mom won't even let him perform. Fabulous.
And on top of all that, Hilary and Bridget are basically ignoring each other. I told Hilary the other day, I understand she's bitter over her friendship ending, but she's got other pals now and she and Bridget now have two different sets of friends. I don't know how we're gonna put together anything even remotely decent.
Oh, and on top of everything else, I just heard about the Simply AG magazine cover modeling contest. Though it's not really my thing (I probably would have liked an essay or skolarship contest), Avery, one of the regulars here, says she's entering, and I've heard Meredith Hopkins is submitting an entry as well. If the girl doesn't already have a swollen ego (Meredith, I mean, not Avery)...


Avery Voisin said...

Hi Haley!
That doesn't sound too good... I hope it the talent show turns out okay!

The Miss Simply AG thing isn't my thing, but I decided I'd try it and see. Between you and me, I hope Meredith doesn't win. Just imagine her ego if she did...

Wendy said...

If Meredith won that contest, she'd be even more unbearable for everyone! Good luck if that happens. Sorry about all the trouble going on with the talent show. If it isn't one thing it's another. At least that's what my grandpa used to say.