Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone, this is a brief post to wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas (what's left of it, at least in the States LOL).

I already showed you most of my presents, the new Pretty and Plaid outfit and the charm necklace and my new wire specs (actually these are the retired version of the purple glasses from AG). I also got the now retired Scarlet and Snow outfit, too.

We have a Christmas tradition here, one I'm just learning about. During the Christmas season people here go on the levees and build these wooden bonfires, and on Christmas Eve these bonfires go up in smoke. I wanted to go see the bonfire in smoke but I wasn't feeling too well and it had gotten cold.

Oh and I'm told a new girl is here too. I haven't seen her nor do I know her name.

What did you guys get for Christmas? Spill it in the comments :D


Claire said...

For Christmas, we got Felicity's bed, an outfit of Lanie's, and Mia. :) Who do you think the new girl is?

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays, Haley! Ooh, a new girl? Sounds really good....or is it? I guess we'll see, but I
hope that this girl doesn't join the "Meredith" crew.

Sabine Aurore Bouchard said...

I got a new jacket (the photography outfit jacket), glasses (which I needed), Miley's latest CD, and the latest HM know what you think about the last two... ;)
Two new girls joined us; Micki is extremely obnoxious, which makes perfect sense because she is Nicki and Vicki's cousin. The other girl, Melanie, thinks Lilly is hilarious. I can see her becoming our friend.