Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School...Almost

Hello everybody, Lindsey here.
Haley's host says she's on her way to Massachusetts to her next host. I'm still waiting for pics from her last host, lol.
Meanwhile, back here school is about to start. I went to school today cause they wanted to introduce us to the teachers and the classes.

All the usual suspects are back in action. These three girls are the ruling class of the school. The girl on the left is Sasha Moore. The one in the middle is Meredith Hopkins. On the right is Natalie Spencer. I don't know these girls nearly as well as Haley does, but I already know I don't like Meredith. Oh, and by the way, the one in the middle, she's running for student body president. And so far, she doesn't have anyone running against her. The big reason is because someone who shall remain unnamed, whose initials are H. H., is currently out traveling and won't be back till October.

Meanwhile, I've got my own issues. The two girls who rule my grade, Kylee Phillips and Victoria Vaccaro, are at it again. This time they approached Kristy Van Dyke (who's back from, what I understand, West Virginia) and called her a dummy.

Kristy didn't take too kindly to that. The next thing I knew, she had Kylee pinned against the wall.
School hasn't even started yet.

1 comment:

Avery Voisin said...

Uh, don't you just hate the mean girls that think they rule the school? I'm glad Kristy stood up to them.
Good luck in school and I hope Haley is have fun on her travels! I hope Meredith isn't president.